Monday, May 3, 2010


Have you ever stood at a crossroads in your life? Or better yet, have you ever stopped and sat down at the crossroads and pondered, prayed and sought the Lord as to what to do next. That's precisely where I feel I am at. 

About a year ago now, things began moving full tilt toward dramatic change in our family's life. A year ago we (Brian and I) began feeling in our spirit that change was inevitably coming. There was no denying it. But we had no idea what that change looked like. Now, almost a year later, we sit across the country in a new state. Nothing about what made life familiar and our "norm" is the same. But I do believe that one change was only the beginning.

As I type this my mind is filled with all the possibilities of what lies ahead of me. And I so desperately would like God to just drop me an e-mail, preferably with a video attachment of what the future looks like, according to Him. I keep checking my inbox, but there's nothing there.

So I pray. I wait. I research. I pray some more. I wait some more. I cast vision. I dream. I hope. I dare to believe. 

At this crossroads, it's a matter of believing God. Do I really believe that there's so much more for us than what we've known to be our lives? Do I really believe that He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us? Do I really believe that I am His and I know His voice? 

Yes. Yes, I do. I believe it with every fiber of my being. I choose His plans, His dreams, His road. 

Down one road is the safe, comfortable, doing what I've always done. The other road is not as safe (at least to the naked eye), it looks a bit uncomfortable and completely different from what I've done. It is that road that beckons me to come. It is that road that catches my eye and holds my gaze. It is that road that excites me and dares me to travel. 

So I'm taking the dare. I'm going for it. I am listening to my Savior, and although at times I don't hear a definitive "do this" or "do that". I am trusting that as I step He will encourage me, warn me, give me peace or unsettle me. No, I don't have to have an e-mail, although I'm always open to that! 

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference


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