Thursday, February 4, 2010


I was just watching the news and they had live coverage of a small, twin-engine airplane that was going in for an emergency landing. Apparently an indicator light came on that alerted the pilot that there was a problem with the landing gear. The pilot then prepared for his landing and I was able to watch the whole thing happen.

Do you know that we have indicator lights as well? We do. We get warnings that something isn't right in our marriage, with our kids, with our job, at school, with our health. The key to averting disaster is recognizing the warnings and then jumping into action dealing with what we've been warned of. 

What would have happened if the pilot ignored his warning light, just glanced at it and then kept right on doing what he was doing?  Crash and burn baby, that's what would happen. It doesn't take an air force pilot to know, ignoring the warning is NOT the right thing to do, yet as Christians so many of us do this very thing. We act as though we don't even have a clue when there are red lights and warning bells going off in every direction.

The Holy Spirit is our indicator and we'd better know His voice so that when He speaks and warns us we recognize that it's Him. The Holy Spirit will warn us that we are about to make a poor decision. He will warn us that something is going on with our child and we need to get involved. He will warn us that our marriage is in need of TLC. He will warn us and then He will instruct us as to how to deal with the warning.

The pilot of the airplane knew exactly how to handle the problem that was on his hands. There was something wrong with the landing gear and I don't know much at all about flying planes, but I'm pretty sure that those wheels are pretty darn important to getting you back on the ground in one piece! This pilot knew what to do, why? Because he had studied and prepared himself for this moment.

We are to be studying and preparing ourselves for whatever comes up in life. We study the Word of God, hide it in our hearts and then when problems arise the Holy Spirit is faithful to bring to remembrance God's instructions. Whether it be, "be slow to speak and quick to listen" or "a gentle answer turns away wrath". How about "vengeance is mine says the Lord" or "pray for your enemies". Whatever the indicator light is warning us of, God has the plan for how to land safely. But we MUST be prepared. You cannot expect the Holy Spirit to remind you of God's Word if you haven't spent any time in it. 

I was really impressed with the pilot's ability to avert disaster, how much more does God help us do the same? He gives wisdom freely and holds back no good thing from His kids. So let's start studying our flight manual and spending time with our flight instructor so we can be prepared for whatever crisis may arise.

Fasten your seat belts because it is a bumpy ride!


1 comment:

  1. So good again. Not sure how you do it. Also you have like the best husband in the world (second to William, of course), but I found out about your new post because he tweeted it. You guys are inspirational. I love to see how you love each other. God's riches blessings on you!



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