Monday, February 1, 2010

How's Your Monitor Working? Part 2

Yesterday I posted a little about the difference between floor monitors and in-ears. How we really need to be monitoring our voices, what we say and how we say it. Here's a little more on this comparison...

Floor monitors are in general, an easy and inexpensive solution whereas in-ears are costly. Most places use floor monitors instead of in-ears for these reasons, floor monitors are common, in-ears are not. So, as a Christian are we running our lives with floor monitors or in-ears?? You be the judge. 

Floor monitor - you share with others
In-ear - it's all your own

Is your faith your own or are you grabbing a hold of someone else's revelations and wisdom? Far too many Christians rely on other people's time with God and glean off of that instead of investing their own time in fostering a relationship with the Lord. For example, do you read more books about the bible then you spend time reading the actual bible? When something comes up in your life that needs prayer, do you immediately head to your nearest prayer warrior to pray for you or do you actually pray? Is the only time you spend praising and worshiping the Lord when the worship leader of your church is in front of you leading? It's great to learn from others, it's great to glean from others, it's even greater to know your Savior personally, intimately - He's a very personal God.

Floor monitor - what you hear is not necessarily up to you 
In-ear - it's all your own

Are you running with the crowd or are you set apart for the Lord's purposes? Many fall into the trap of social pressure. This may have seemed like an issue from high school, but I think we, as adults, should recognize the signs of it in our current lives. For example, are you a slave to the latest trends, whether it be movies, books, tv, fashion etc. Do you have to go see a movie the weekend it comes out or it drives you nuts? Can you not handle missing your favorite show? Are you constantly checking the latest happenings online, facebook, twitter etc.? These things in and of themselves are not bad, what causes a problem is when we become slaves to them. Once we can no longer maintain our blood-pressure at a safe level when the thought of missing our show comes up, that could be a clue that you are no longer in control, rather society is controlling you.

Floor monitor - creates a lot of "stage noise" making it hard for others to hear 
In-ear - it's in your ear, no one else is hearing it

Are you someone who never stops talking? Do you make a lot of "noise"? Do you have to comment on everything? Or are you someone who chooses their words wisely and when you speak people listen. I, by my own admission, am a very opinionated person and am working very hard at learning to keep my mouth shut and listen to the Lord and follow His prompting as to when to speak and what to say. It's not easy. My husband on the other hand is not so much a talker, as a result, when he does speak up, people listen to him, they listen and actually hear him. The bible said it, "be slow to speak".

Floor monitor - they are ugly on stage  
In-ear - no one sees them

I think that when God sees His kids walking around chasing after the things of the world, taking the wide road and being poor examples of Jesus, He is not pleased. I believe that when we are less than what God calls us to be we are unable to be the light and glory that God designed us to be. Have you ever seen a girl/woman walking around with way too much make up on? When you see her what do you think? I'll tell you what I think, I think it's a shame that she is destroying her natural G0d-given beauty. The excess make-up covers her beauty and makes her "ugly". In an attempt to make herself beautiful she actually creates the opposite affect. As Christians, I think we, many times, do the same. In an attempt to fit in, be noticed, be special, we mar ourselves and diminish the gifts, abilities and inherent beauty God has blessed us with.

Floor monitor - less expensive  
In-ear - more expensive

In the book of Matthew the bible says
  "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."  

Being a follower of Christ is not easy, it is costly. It may cost you your friends, family, job, money, dignity, pride and more. If it's not costing you anything you should re-evaluate where you're at in your walk with Christ. Knowing the Creator of the universe in a personal, intimate and real way is a rare and precious gem, in earthly terms it would be the finest diamond and we all know that diamonds are not cheap, in fact they are expensive, but what girl doesn't want a beautiful diamond on her hand? I've never heard a woman say that the diamond wasn't worth the price, and I promise that you will never say the relationship with God isn't worth the price. 

So, there's my rough and tumble comparison of the Christian life in terms of monitors. Silly I know, but that's how my brain works. I guess when it all boils down, I really don't want a floor monitor, now that I've had an in-ear, I don't want to go back. And the same could be said of intimacy with Jesus. Before I knew what it was like to talk with Him and hear from Him and know Him, I was satisfied with what everyone else told me about Him, but now that I know, I never want to rely on anyone else again.  

So what are you using in life? Floor monitors or in-ears? The choice is completely up to you.

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