Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Let it Shine

When Jenna was born I noticed something about her eyes that bothered me - one pupil was always bigger than the other. To me it was a glaring signal that something could be wrong, but to others it was only noticed when I pointed it out. After a year of wondering, she finally had her ophthalmologist appointment today and I am happy to say that everything is perfect. I'm not sure if I've ever been to an ophthalmologist office before today, in case you don't know, this is an actual eye dr. who examines the health of the eye, not an optometrist who determines if you need glasses or not. Jenna and I were the youngest patients there by probably at least 30 years (on my end). We were surrounded by people who were at the last portion of their journey on this earth, that time when it seems like everything starts shutting down; your eyesight, your hearing, your body in general. It was my daughter's interaction with everyone that has taken me aback and causes me to pause and reflect. 

I kid you not when I say that Jenna smiled at every person who looked at her and in return hearts were warmed and smiles given. I watched before my very eyes God using my daughter to share His love with others. I've seen Jenna do this everywhere we go. I am continually amazed as people will stop dead in their tracks and even stop and come back to us so that they can talk to Jenna. And Jenna faithfully smiles and giggles and waves. Even when she is tired the light in her eyes flickers and the glow in her cheeks brings such joy to people. There is something very special about my daughter.

I know, I sound like I'm just a bragging mom, and maybe I am, but at the same time, have you met my daughter? When we pick her up from the nursery we get comments like, "Oh, our smiley baby!" and "She is just so smiley." I can only imagine what God has in store for Jenna, she is surely to be used as an instrument of His love and joy, she already is. 

I have a lot to learn from my daughter. The light of Jesus shines so brightly in her tiny little eyes and smile, it is almost blinding. Maybe it's because she was with Jesus not too long ago or maybe it's because she hasn't had her light dimmed by the cruelty of life, whatever it is, it's a beautiful thing to see. I want to be like Jenna. I want to leave a room with people smiling because I was there. I want to help people forget, even for a moment, the struggles they are facing and the pain they are going through. I want to bring joy to the downtrodden and hope to the discouraged.

Jenna can't talk yet, well, not words that are in the English language anyway, she doesn't tell people, "Jesus loves you, He died for you" she just looks them in the eyes and smiles and Jesus does the rest. I pray that Jenna's light never diminishes but only burns brighter as she grows and begins to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus and if I'm ever going to be an adequate example for her to follow I'd better get my act together because I think she already has me beat on the skill of evangelism!

This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine...  


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