Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Loads of Laundry...

We have 5 people in our family and that equals a LOT of laundry. It seems endless! There is always something waiting to be washed, dried, folded, ironed or put away. Most of the time when I am doing laundry I am thinking about how much I hate laundry, I know, not very productive or helpful, but that's what I'm thinking. Then the other day the Holy Spirit told me that I was His laundry and well, that got my attention.

Excuse me? What did you say? I am your laundry? What in the world does that mean? Elaborate please...

And He did.

So here's the rundown:

Laundry is always in a state of needing attention... so am I.

Laundry is never done... neither am I.

Laundry make look clean and pristine, but then you have a meatball sub and it's in need of cleaning again... I may look like I have it all together, had my prayer time, read my bible, walked in love and then my mood shifts, I sin and need to be cleaned... again.

Laundry may be folded neatly and in the back of the closet seemingly forgotten about then one day I decide that I want to wear that shirt I haven't seen in forever and I pull it out and it needs to be ironed before I can put it on... things that I think I have taken care of, past hurts and failures, regrets, unforgiveness, I can put in the back of my heart and mind, but then one day God's going to pull it out of the closet and I'm going to have to deal with it before I can put on the new garments He has for me.

Laundry can have "hidden" stains, you know what I mean, you wash it, it looks clean, you put it away and next time you take it out to wear it this mysterious stain has appeared... this goes right along with the previous thought, I may think I've dealt with and overcome a certain issue in my life, say, forgiving someone who has hurt me deeply, then I see them somewhere and I find out that, well, nope, I'm still pretty hurt, upset and definitely have NOT completely forgiven them, need to get "washed" again, only this time it's going to take some serious scrubbing.

Laundry really needs fabric softner... I really need the softening grace and love of my Heavenly Father so that I can walk in love and show tenderness and mercy to others.

Laundry is just a bunch of useless clothes without a body in it... I am just a bunch of useless bones and thoughts without the Holy Spirit to fill me up and make me useful.

So, there you have it - I am God's laundry. I am always in need of His attention, His cleansing, His softening, His ironing, His care, it will never end, even when I think it's done I turn the corner and find a dirty pair of socks on the floor... so maybe next time you throw in a load you can thank God for His cleansing and also thank Him that, unlike me, He is never thinking about how much He hates laundry, He actually loves laundry, very much. Reason #6,783 why He is God and I am not.

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