Sunday, January 31, 2010

How's Your Monitor Working?

This weekend was my first weekend singing with the worship team at our church. Although this was not my first time on a stage, it was my first time on a stage with an in-ear monitor system. I have always had floor monitors which were, to say the least, workable. In case you don't know the difference here's the jist of it... 

Floor monitor - you share with others
In-ear - it's all your own

Floor monitor - what you hear is not necessarily up to you 
In-ear - it's all your own

Floor monitor - creates a lot of "stage noise" making it hard for others to hear 
In-ear - it's in your ear, no one else is hearing it

Floor monitor - they are ugly on stage  
In-ear - no one sees them

Floor monitor - less expensive  
In-ear - more expensive

So, those are some the basic differences. Having never used in-ear's before I really didn't know what to expect but I realized one thing, I've never really been able to so clearly hear my voice before. This, was humbling. There was no one to blame for missed notes or bad notes. I was fully aware of what I was doing at all times.

As I thought about this I thought - "man, we all, as God's kids, need in-ears". What do I mean by that? I mean, when was the last time you heard yourself? When was the last time you really listened to what you were saying or how you were saying it? Do you think you would be surprised if a tape recording of what you said all day was played back for you? Would your tone of voice shock you? Would your words shame you? Maybe yes, maybe no.

I challenge you and me to start listening to ourselves. Are we encouraging or discouraging? Are we kind and gentle or mean and harsh? Are we critical or full of grace? God says that from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks, when was the last time you did a chemical test on that river of yours? 
Is your water toxic or purified? 


I don't know about you, but I know that I could use some Holy Spirit purification on my waters. And thankfully, He's always on call.


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