Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Do The Work

Back in December we found out that our youngest son needed glasses. We took him in to the eye doctor and ordered his glasses. This was definitely not in our budget, but it was necessary. Then in June the unthinkable happened. Somewhere between the van and the house the glasses disappeared. I'm still not sure how in the world this happened, it's like they vanished into thin air. We spent weeks looking for the glasses. Finally I broke down and called the eye glass store to ask what our warranty covered and how much it would be to replace the glasses. I had thought when we purchased the warranty that it covered loss but I wasn't sure. (And don't ask me why I didn't call sooner, afraid of what I would hear I guess, and I was still holding out hope that we would find the glasses).

Of course we were told that they didn't cover loss and the best they could do was to give us a 15% discount. This was NOT the news I wanted. I went in and picked up the prescription and decided to just go get the cheapest glasses I could somewhere else. We even went and looked at another store to pick out glasses. My plan was with our next paycheck to order the glasses. 

Later that afternoon I was cleaning up and came across the warranty card that I was given with the glasses. I looked at the card and was shocked, right there on the top of the card, the first thing it says it covers is... loss. What!? Here we were stressing over everything when we're covered. And then the thing that really got me was the fact that the eye place didn't tell me that! I went to call the store but they were closed on Sunday and Monday (this was Sunday). I had to wait two days before getting this straightened out. 

We read the teeny-tiny print on the warranty and found that the coverage was just for the frames and there was a $15 fee. Well, that was better than nothing. This morning I called the store to tell them of my discovery. I told the gentleman that answered the phone that I was really upset that they didn't tell me the truth about my warranty and how I almost wasted money replacing the glasses. His response? He said they would order the replacement and call me when it was ready. I said, wait, does it cover everything or do I need to pay anything? He said, I don't know, we'll just give you a replacement at no charge and call you when they're ready.

Are you serious? Just like that? I'm in shock. Was it really that easy? Apparently. Then I got to thinking, how often as children of God do we just take what we're told as truth and live our lives accordingly? Possibly more often than we realize. How often does the world take what is told them as truth and go to hell because of it? Every second of every day it's happening.

Is there something that you're believing and living that isn't the truth of God? Maybe you were told that you would never amount to anything. Maybe you heard that healing was for the days of the apostles. Maybe you were told that all you had to do was live a decent life and karma would insure that you had a good afterlife. Maybe you were told that it's ok not to forgive the person who hurt you. The list goes on and on. 

The truth is we all have to research the Word of God for ourselves to find The Truth. If we live our lives based on what someone else tells us to be true we're playing a very risky game. What if they're wrong? What if you spend your entire life thinking that you're right only to find out that you were wrong. And had you spent just a little time looking into things for yourself, asking God, the only One who is qualified to judge, you would have discovered the Truth and lived your life differently. 

I'm not saying that everything you hear is wrong or that people are out there intentionally spreading lies (although some are). I am saying that we need to not be satisfied with other people's interpretation of the truth. One day we will all stand before God and have to give an answer for what we did with our lives and we won't be able to say, "well, so and so told me that living that way was ok, I didn't know." God has given us His Word to answer all of our questions and to give us the standard to live by, let's not do what I did with my son's glasses and assume that what I was told was the truth, rather, let's be proactive with our lives and spend some time researching and getting to the bottom of the Truth and reap all of the benefits that come with that knowledge. How sad for me had I just taken what I was told and then spent a bunch of money needlessly. And how much more tragic to go our entire lives not knowing the Truth.

"If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." John 14:6


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