The final day came and at the closing program they would call names in the order of greatest to least punches. The first few names were called. Then the unthinkable happened, the little boy that Trevor had been bringing all week had his name called before Trevor. My husband and I looked at each other knowing this was most definitely a mistake. My heart beat a little faster as I wanted to jump up and say, "Hey, that's not right!" But I controlled myself, I could see Trevor getting antsy in his seat because he too knew this wasn't right. A couple more names were called and both water guns were gone. Then they finally called Trevor.
Trevor slowly walked to the table, unsure of what to do now that the one thing he had his eye on all week was gone. There was still lots to choose from, but how do you settle for second best when all you've looked at is first? Then Trevor did what most 9 year olds, or 30 year olds wouldn't, he grabbed the stuffed animal Nathan wanted. Trevor headed back to his seat and handed the stuffed dog to Nathan.
My eyes filled with tears as I was both so incredibly proud of Trevor and also heartbroken for him. All I wanted to do was run out and buy him the biggest water gun I could find. As the program finished he walked back to meet us, his head hung and eyes hidden under his baseball cap. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Sacrifice is painful.
One definition of sacrifice says, "to surrender or give up for the sake of something else". Trevor easily could have chosen something else off that table, sure it wouldn't have been his first choice, but I'm certain there was something there that he could have enjoyed. Instead he chose to give up his right to a prize to guarantee his brother would get his first choice.
And that's exactly what Jesus did. Jesus gave up everything, sacrificed it all, so that we could have fellowship with the Father, forgiveness of sin, eternal life and so much more.
"For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us." 1 Corinthians 5:7
Now the question comes down to you and me, what are we sacrificing? Sometimes we sacrifice without even thinking about it, or sometimes it seems, without a choice. Middle of the night feedings, new clothes, dinners out, quiet time, these are all things that as moms and dads we give up without a thought. But what about the sacrifice that you do have a choice about? Giving something away instead of selling it to make a few dollars. Sponsoring a child. Writing a check to help a family in need.
It is when we have to give up something in order to give it that it becomes a sacrifice. Is it much of a sacrifice if you have unlimited cash flow and you give someone $50 for groceries? Probably not. But when that $50 means the difference between a full shopping cart for you and a half empty one, well, then it really is a sacrifice.
Do you know the secret to sacrifice? It's love. Trevor sacrificed because he loves his brother dearly. Jesus sacrificed because He loves us more than we could ever fully grasp. As mothers and fathers we sacrifice because yup, you got it, we love. And the bible tells us that when we love God we will show it in how we treat others.
"I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethern, you did it to Me." Matthew 25:40
So let me ask you, are you giving something up for the sake of another? Or are you holding onto your comforts and rights? Have you shown your love for God in more than words? Or are you just telling Him that you love Him? I ask these things not to make you feel badly, but because I'm asking myself the same thing. God showed His love for us, He didn't just tell us He loves us. I want to do more than just tell Him.
"By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethern. But whosoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth." 1 John 3:16-18
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