Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Price of the Path

In a few short days my boys will be heading back to school. This is such an exciting time. Both boys are starting a new grade, as they have completed the requirements that were set before them last year they are now given new skills to achieve, new responsibilities to shoulder and new expectations to meet. Had they not adequately completed what was asked of them last year they would be repeating a grade this year, thankfully this isn't the case.

In a way, I feel a lot like my boys, like I am about to start a new "grade" if you will, in my walk with the Lord. I believe that He desires to take me to a deeper level, to use me in a greater way (which are all things that I have asked Him for) however, it took growing up a bit to even be able to pray that prayer, and mean it. As I have grown and been obedient with what God has asked of me, He then began dealing with what I needed to let go of, what behaviors and thought patterns, while perhaps not sinful, were not going to take me deeper but rather hinder me from going where God wants to take me. 

It's amazing how difficult giving things up can be, it's a real fight with the flesh. And I argued, pleaded my case and felt justified. But then God simply told me, "You're right, you can hold on to those things, you can continue on that path, but it will never take you to where I want to take you, is it worth it? You decide."  Wow, when He put it that way it really shed light on how ridiculous I was being. Was I really willing to give up what God had for me for some fleshly desires? Sadly, before God shone His light on the situation, I was, but thankfully after His gentle, loving words, I am not.

What about you? Are there things that are holding you back from God's best? Your choices in entertainment, company, food or drink, reading material etc. The bible says, 

"Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything." 1 Corinthians 6:12

If we cannot give something up then we have entered the realm of being mastered by it, and the only Master we are to have is Jesus. God's plan for us is beyond our thinking, we can't even begin to imagine how great a plan it is. All we imagine is how great our plans are. We can't see the things in life that may be roadblocks to His best, unless we ask Him to shine His light on every corner in our heart and expose what, if anything, is standing between us and that path that leads to His plans. And since none of us have achieved perfection, I'm guessing there's one or two things we all can be working on.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to stay where I am, I want to keep progressing in the school of God, I've repeated enough grades in my life, I'm ready to get serious and hit the books. I'm ready to invest extra time and get tutoring if necessary, to ask for help, to use the tools given to me so that I can succeed, because ultimately, when God's kids succeed, God's kingdom advances and that's what it's all about. 
So I challenge you to count the cost, is what you're holding on to worth missing out on God's best? Only you can decide that for yourself. 
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 
1 Corinthians 10:31

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