Sunday, August 15, 2010

God Understands...

When my daughter was around a year old I noticed that she wasn't using any words. I didn't think too much about it because I know that all children progress at different rates. I also try very hard to not do too much "research" and give myself too much information, which can lead to confusion and fear. I mentioned my concern at her check up and the doctor wasn't concerned. As the months passes and she still wasn't using words I became more concerned. It was clear that she was frustrated when she couldn't communicate to us and we were frustrated that we couldn't help her. I scheduled to have her evaluated and figure out how to help her. 

Her evaluation showed what I knew instinctively as a mom, she does indeed have a speech delay. We began working on teaching her sign language to give her a way to communicate and she will begin speech therapy in the fall. It's amazing to me how much she has picked up with the sign language and how much it has helped ease the stress and frustration on both her end and ours.

Do you ever feel that no one understands you? Maybe you don't even understand yourself. Perhaps you feel unheard, unnoticed, lost. Maybe you feel like you're spinning in circles trying to figure out how to communicate your dreams, desires, hopes and fears. I have felt all of these things at one time or another. At times there are things in my heart or mind that I'm not sure how to articulate, or a burden on my heart that I don't understand. 

Perhaps the greatest news is that God understands it all. He understands my daughter whether she can verbalize, sign or just scream. He understands me whether I'm poetic, witty or mute. He knows what my heart is saying even when my brain doesn't. He knows it all, He understands it all. There isn't a single secret thing in my heart that He doesn't see and know all the intricate details. He knows the painful, the joyful, the beautiful, the ugly. 

He knows that about every single one of us. There is nothing hidden from Him. There is nothing that we can say or do that will shock Him. There is no language that we can speak that He will not understand. What a relief. What an awesome God we serve, fluent in every spoken, unspoken and written language that ever was and ever will be. And He communicates right back to us, but that's a whole other subject.

So what do you have to say? What's on your heart and mind? The world may not be listening, your husband may not "get it", your friends may not have time but your Creator, your King, the Lover of your soul, He has His ear bent low and is waiting to hear from you.

"...He hears my voice." Psalm 55:17 


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